During August 2015, COERR Maesot, in cooperation with authorities in 3 refugee camps in Tak Province: Ban Umpiem in Pobpra District, Ban Nupo in Umphang District, and Ban Mae La in Tha Song Yang District, and together with private organizations concerned, organized the activities on the National Mother’s Day to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s 83rd Birthday Anniversary.
Ceremonies in camps were organized in three occasions: The well-wishing activities on stage include the “Pan Pum” Presentation, then speeches delivering by representatives of concerned organizations and traditional performances by refugee youth. In the evening, the candle lighting ceremony was attended by large audience participants.
There were also reforestation ceremonies to honor Her Majesty durinh which hundreds of perennial seedlings proudly contributed by COERR Agricultural Program, were distributed to the Camp Commanders, NGOs, refugees and Thai villagers, to plant in conservation forest areas near camps and villages.

Ceremonies in Ban Umpiem camp, highlights are stage ceremonies: speeches and traditional performance of several ethnic groups.

Reforestation mission to celebrate the National Mother’s Day was held in which COERR gives 500 seedlings of Teak, Iron wood, Paduak and Merawan, to the Nupho Camp Commander who organizes cultivation in coordination with several sectors: Military, Civil and Private, together with refugees and KuiLer Tor Thai Villagers, to grow in the 4 rai areas (5,200 square meters).

At Huay Haeng Forest in Mae Ramad District near Mae la camp, reforestation mission had taken place with 600 participants consisting of Thai Authority (Miilitary, Civil, Task Force,etc.) and NGO staff numbering 100 and refugees numbering 500. The ceremony began with opening speech, singing the royal anthem and saluting to the King and Queen to express deep loyalty and gratitude to Her Majesty and then growing plants together. |